Approved - Jedi Order Talia Raihart, Jedi Knight

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Jedi Order
Galactic Empire
Mandalorian Clans
Jul 20, 2019


Basic Information

Character name: Talia Raihart
-- Aliases: The Shadow
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Age: 31
Gender: Female

Faction: Jedi Order
-- Rank/position/title: Jedi Knight

Personality, appearance and history

Appearance: Image
Personality traits
+ Lightsaber Duelist: Talia is exceptional in the skill of wielding a lightsaber and can be matched by few.
+ Cloaked in Shadow: Talia's mind is exceptionally strong against telepathic probing, as are her emotions masked.
- Telekinetic Failure: When it comes to Telekinesis, Talia seems to always be at a disadvantage.
- Lack of Understanding: Talia is at a loss when it comes to emotional motivations behind the actions of some.



Talia was born into the tenets of the Jedi Order taken by Jedi Shadow, master Seryth Essora soon after birth due to her mother, a Jedi Knight, dying in childbirth. Talia's existence was only moderately known among the order due to the way of the shadow, though she did join House Rancor upon becoming of age to be taken as a youngling into the order proper. Learning from Master Dooku and Master Yoda all those of House Rancor would along with the house matron. She was particularly interested in the stories of the Jedi Order, however disaster struck during a mission where her friend was murdered and she was hospitalized for six months.

At ten years of age, Talia finally left the hospital on Coruscant and rejoined the younglings this time ending up at the right place and the right time to aid a padawan of the order thus gaining favor. Talia was most interested in learning the lightsaber, and would attend lessons held by the Hall's Battlemaster. At fifteen, she was finally taken as padawan to a rather reserved and friendly Jedi Master, a Togruta female. While not attending missions and lesson at her master's side she would be in the fighting halls training her skill in Form II much to the chagrin of her master.

Her master would then begin to teach Talia of Form V: Shien and forbid her errant pupil to return to the lightsaber training halls further. Instead, Talia would be dedicated to research and diplomatic pursuits until in 32 BBY when her master's life was claimed by a dark jedi on a diplomatic mission to Mimban. Feeling inadequate in her abilities despite being a Padawan of seventeen years, Talia vowed herself to the code of the Shadows, a life among the shadow rather than in the limelight as most other Jedi lived.

Master Seryth Essora, despite being up in years now, took Talia directly underneath his wing and brought her into the Jedi Shadow organization within the Jedi Order whose purpose was to destroy anything and everything connected with the old Sith as well as to watch the Order for corruption within the council. This organization was ruled by the Council of First Knowledge. And so, Talia picked up many skills such as speeder and fighter piloting, as well as engineering and droid engineering. She also trained in Form II at her master's behest and forged her first lightsaber. Afterwards, Talia would join Seryth on missions prescribed by the Council of First Knowledge.

On the missions, Seryth would often challenge his apprentice by hiding his presence and requesting the Jedi find him. Tasks like these would bolster Talia's senses and would prepare her for when her master taught her Altus Sopor - a skill vital to the life of a Jedi Shadow. Each week, Talia would need to practice her skill in Altus Sopor and join her master in one of his challenges to hunt just to test the limits of her current learning. Only once she had risen to a sufficient level did Seryth begin talking her on dangerous missions.

One such mission had Talia engage Jedi which had broken from the order, taking on wounds to her right arm and losing one of her eyes in the process. Upon defeat of these three, she was given orders by her masters to visit a planet and retrieve what were believed to be dark side artifacts only to be engaged by a tainted Rancor. She would continue taking such arduous challenges that formed her skills until finally she was given one last task as Seryth's apprentice - one that even she does not remember but resulted in her cold demeanor at current. In the end, she was knighted afterwards at age twenty-five. Talia would join the Jedi Order on Geonossis at the outset of the Clone Wars and became renown for her skills as a duelist and warrior.

The Force

Force Sensitive: Yes
Lightsaber form: Form II: Makashi (Expert), Form V: Shien (Practitioner)
Core Powers
  • Control
    -- Tutaminis (Absorption of Energy) - Practioner
    -- Curato Salva (Self-Healing) - Practioner
    -- Altus Sopor (Masking ones presence with the Force) - Expert
  • Sense
    -- Prima Vitae (Detection of Life) - Practioner
    -- Tactus Otium (Sensing the Force within others) - Practioner
    -- Tai Vordrax (Using the Force to sense impressions, trace information from objects and areas) - Practioner
    -- Telepathy (Reading minds, mentally communicating) - Practioner
    -- Precognition (also known as "Sense Danger") - Practioner
  • Alter
    -- Telekenisis (Ability to manipulate physical matter) - Learner
Light Side Powers
  • Force Valor - Practitioner


Possessions: Dual-Phase Lightsaber (Amber), Holdout Blaster Pistol, Zeison Sha Battle Armor, Jedi Knight Robes, Dull Blue Jumpsuit, Cybernetic Eye (Infared), Basic Neural Implant, R2-R6 Droid
Personal ship: T-65B X-Wing Starfighter, VCX-100 Freighter
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Approved! Nice history and interesting plot points into being a Jedi Shadow.

Welcome to the Jedi Order....