Approved - Jedi Order Padawan Eean Estris

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Eean Estris

Jedi Order
Galactic Empire
Apr 1, 2023
United Kingdom


Basic Information

Character name: Eean Estris
Homeworld: Pantora, Pantoran System, Sujimis Sector
Species: Pantoran
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Faction: Jedi Order

» Rank: Jedi Padawan


Eean has wavy, medium-length indigo hair that is often tied up in a partial style. His skin is blue just like other Pantorans. Even though he was raised as a Jedi, he requested permission to get a golden crescent facial tattoo to represent his family's heritage according to the customs of Pantoran culture. He has bright yellow eyes and stands tall at 6'1" (185 cm) weighing roughly 170 lb (77kg) with a slightly muscular build.


[+] Creative: Eean boasts an imaginative mind able to envision situations in unique and unexpected ways.

[+] Telekinetic Affinity: Although still in training, Eean has a natural rapport with telekinetics.

[+] Calming Presence: Whether it's his carefree and cheerful personality or encouraging words, Eean's presence puts others at ease.

[=] Cunning: Despite his kind-hearted nature, Eean is often rather elusive and crafty.

[=] Open-minded: Eean is willing to consider new ideas without prejudice if he believes they serve the greater good.

[-] Headstrong: He is full of determination and wilfulness to do good, but it often makes him impulsive and blinded from seeing the bigger picture.

[-] Unprofessional: Discipline isn't one of Eean's strong points. He prefers things to be casual often putting him at odds with the old guard of the Jedi Order and some military officers.

[-] Unyielding: Eean finds it difficult to back down from a fight and retreat, even if it is arguably the most sensible option.


Pre-war (39-22 BBY):
Eean was born to an eminent family on the marshy tundra moon of Pantora in the year 39 BBY. His lineage was well respected among the upper classes for their service to the Republic and Pantora at large. Eean had a loving early childhood; his parents and siblings took great care of him hoping he may be the next Senator for Pantora once he comes of age. Alas, their dreams would be dashed a few rotations after his second birthday when he began showing signs of force sensitivity; another privilege all in itself. Shortly thereafter he was taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant as a youngling to be trained as a Jedi.

Throughout his early years at the temple, he continuously excelled at the force, particularly in telekinesis and later in healing. His imaginative mind allowed him to utilise the force in ways his fellow younglings may not even consider. Though strong in the force, Eean had a particular difficulty honing his lightsaber skills. Wherever he excelled in the force, he repeatedly fell short at lightsaber combat.

Upon his rise to Padawanhood, Eean chose to focus on Form VI, Niman, of lightsaber combat in hopes of boosting his lightsaber skills through his affinity to the force. To his satisfaction, he began to improve faster than before although he still fell short in comparison to his fellow Padawans. Regardless, he's made steady progress during the early years of his Padawanship.

Clone wars (22-19 BBY):
By the time of the war, Eean has become proficient at utilising the force and while his skills with a lightsaber have improved, he still had a long way to go. Throughout the war, he largely avoided conflict by spending most of his time around the Jedi Temple on various duties, however, on occasion, he and his master were assigned to minor incursions around the galaxy to aid the war effort. Though his training continued normally, he largely lacked experience in combat outside of his formal training despite having a deep understanding of Niman, Form VI after nearly a decade of practice by 19 BBY.

He would spend most of his free time studying at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Particularly galactic history, languages and Jedi philosophy. During his training, he reached fluency in
Huttese, Ryl, Shyriiwook, Binary (Droidspeak) and a dialect of Pantoran in reverence of his heritage. Eean enjoyed learning about the abundance of different cultures and traditions around the galaxy; he particularly found those not of human origin the most interesting in general.

18 BBY (Present):
  • During an incursion in the mid-rim, Eean's master fell to an ambush by unidentified Sith. Eean himself narrowly escaped and managed to flee to Republic space by outwitting the ambushers but was left without a master to complete his training. Despite this, with the growing unlikelihood of an end to the war, he was determined to do his part in protecting the people of the New Republic and the Jedi Order.

Languages Spoken:
» Galactic Basic
» Huttese
» Ryl
» Shyriiwook
» Pantoran
» Binary

The Force

Force Sensitive: Yes

Lightsaber forms:

» Form VI: Niman - Learner

Force Powers:

» Core Powers

  • Control
    -- Tutaminis (Absorption of Energy) -
    -- Curato Salva (Self-Healing) -
    -- Altus Sopor (Masking one's presence with the Force) -
  • Sense
    -- Prima Vitae (Detection of Life) -
    -- Tactus Otium (Sensing the Force within others) -
    -- Tai Vordrax (Using the Force to sense impressions, and trace information from objects and areas) -
    -- Telepathy (Reading minds, mentally communicating) -
    -- Precognition (also known as "Sense Danger") -
  • Alter
    -- Telekinesis (Ability to manipulate physical matter) -
» Universal Powers
» Light Side Powers


» Equipment
  • x1 Lightsaber (Blue) (Design as shown)

Satele Shan9.png

  • Blue and Brown Jedi Tunic and a standard Jedi Cloak
  • x1 Jedi Order issued Datapad and Commlink

» Personal ship:
» R3-Series Astromech Droid (R3-N6 'Nix')
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Overall, I like the character. We can always use more Jedi! The character appears well designed. I’ll allow either @Duke or @Kylar Thrane off their opinions.

Just to note, the JSF that you have, it would lack shielding as it isn’t the “Heavy” variant?

1 of 2.
Thank you for the feedback and yes, it would lack shielding. Perhaps he'll get it upgraded/ replaced at some point.
-- Added more clarity to his history by expanding the "Clone wars (22-19 BBY):" section in regards to his whereabouts during the war (no major changes) and his interests.